The Problem
As soon as COVID-19 became a pandemic it posed an unprecedent challenge to organisations across all industries, however, businesses cannot grind to a halt. Organisations have activated their business continuity plan by putting in drastic measures such as cancelling events, eliminating business travel and in-person meetings, and having employees work from home.
While these measures are being realized, it also poses cybersecurity challenges and any unexpected disruptions and dangers that may lie ahead, with critical data being accessed by employees remotely. Cyber criminals are using COVID-19 as part of their campaigns to target users including sending out malicious emails to phish users and spread malware, trojans and nanocare remote access trojan (RAT). There are extensive list of actors and malware such as Trickbot, Lokibot and Agent Tesla targeting a broad set of victims across the world using branding associated with WHO, and country-specific health agencies.
The Solution
This is where our 24x7x365 Cyber Security Operations Centre (Cyber SOC) could play a vital role in keeping our clients moving forward with minimum disruption to the cybersecurity posture and giving the confidence to the organisations for business continuity.
Inspira supports you in securing your data while your employees work from home –
Our Managed SOC services include real-time monitoring and policy enforcement for:
• Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
• Endpoint Security
• Endpoint Encryption
• Endpoint DLP
• PIM – Privileged Identity Management
Let’s face the COVID-19 together and this shall pass!